応募について : アナログカメラ、デジタルカメラでの応募が可能です。応募はJPEGのみでお願いします。 1画像あたりの最大データサイズは10mbです。1回の応募につき、最大画像枚数は10枚です。 応募画像には、名前、番号、撮影場所、日付のラベルを付けてください。 応募者は、オンラインエントリーフォームに必要事項を記入してください。
ご利用条件 : 技術力、コンセプト、創造性、テーマとの関連性、コミュニケーション力などの観点から審査します。テーマと無関係な作品は考慮されません。対象作品は2003年以降に青森県、岩手県、宮城県、福島県、茨城県で撮影されたものとなります。対象年齢は応募時に18歳以上の方のみとなります。応募作品は自作に限ります。盗用や無断使用が判明した場合は、失格となります。審査員の判断は最終的なものです。審査員は応募作品に対してフィードバックすることはできません。また、入選者以外、審査結果に関するご連絡はいたしません。
2024年03月01日まで以下のENTRY FORMで応募してください。 ↓↓↓↓
The rephotograph is the 'second' photograph. It is a photograph that has been re-photographed at the same location as an earlier photograph. They are usually taken to show changes in the subject, but the way in which these changes are perceived is different for each person.
This competition is open to re-photographs taken on the coasts of Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima and Ibaraki prefectures over the past 20 years under the theme of Sea, Land and Change. Entries will be judged by visual design experts from the University of Tsukuba.
Selected works will be printed and exhibited at the University of Tsukuba in autumn 2024 (planned). They may also be exhibited at other locations. Five winners will be selected as Excellence Award winners and presented with a certificate. One Grand Prize winner from among the five will also receive a photography-related prize. The winners will be notified by email in April 2024.
Entry is FREE.
About submissions: Entries can be made with analogue or digital cameras. Please submit only a JPEG. Maximum data size per image is 10mb. Maximum number of images per entry is 10. Each image entered must be labelled with a name, number, location and date. Entrants must complete the online entry form.
Terms and Conditions : Entries will be judges according to technical skill, concept, creativity, relatedness to the theme, and communication. Images unrelated to the theme will not be considered. Entries must also have been made in Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima, or Ibaraki prefectures since 2003 Entrants must be at least 18 years old at the time of submission. Entries must be own work. Entries found to be stolen or used without permission will be disqualified. Judges’ decisions are final. Judges are unable to give feedback on unsuccessful entries. There will be no correspondence regarding judges’ decisions.
Submit entries below by March 1st 2024.